Was Malthus Right?
Thomas Malthus, whose most famous work “The Principle of Population” was published in 1798, did not believe that society’s improvement is inevitable. Indeed when things do improve, he thought, the resultant population increase becomes an obstacle to further progress. In short, as he put it, the power of population growth is greater than the power […]
Simple Things
What’s the simplest advice an evaluator can give a project team? In my experience, many project evaluations often fail to miss the point on a couple of key issues and end up sitting on a shelf consequently. We are all familiar with the perils of poorly designed projects. A project that has not thought through […]
The Road Forward
Thomas Dichter whose career in international development spans 50 years produced this documentary which challenges us all to rethink the way in which we engage in development. I was honored to have been given a slot to speak amongst some incredible individuals – knowledgeable, passionate and so very courageous! Please do take a moment to […]
Listening and Programme Design
Just over 6 months ago, I finalized the development of a proposal for an integrated programme aimed at enhancing the resilience of local communities dependent on their natural resources. At the onset of the exercise, I was determined to ensure that the design was informed by the realities and needs on the ground and that […]
Change…It’s personal…
I have worked in the development sector for about 20 years now. Over the course my years, I went from passionate and unwavering beliefs in my ability as an individual and in the ability of the organizations I worked with to change the world to a somewhat jaded and bitter mid-career professional – often wondering […]